Saturday 17 September 2011

Cyberspace Frontier

So I am half way through this weeks reading of Blown to Bits: Life, Liberty, and Happiness after the Digital Explosion and I am not sure how to feel. I have gone through quite a range of emotions while reading this from very panicked and paranoid to very passive that this will not actually affect me since I have no plans to commit a crime.

In grade ten I was an avid CSI (Las Vegas version) watcher, I was even in Las Vegas for a few days and purchased the shirt. And from my viewing thought I was knowledgeable about the need to remove one’s finger prints from any crime. However, now there is a new digital fingerprint that I am aware of, and really not sure what to do about it.

So I might not really care if the grocery store knows what I eat. But I hate the idea that my private information is said to be de-identified, but by using other public information one can re-identify my personal information.

However, I feel that we have only reached the shores of the Cyberspace frontier, and I am looking forward to see how society, especially the laws, adapts to this new ground.

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