Saturday 5 November 2011

I fought the law and the law won.

Now you might be wondering why that is my title for my blog on writing html. Well, it just happens to be the song I did my victory dance to after making my web page.  Though occasionally words such as; I, computer, and I won, happened to get thrown in instead of the usual words.

So this assignment has given me some faith that I might be able to gain some much needed computer skills. Ideally for my next semester project I would like to make a video game about smuggling booze during prohibition era Canada and America, and the whole point will be to bring it over the boarder. Though this still might be too big of a step for me. I might also do a model of siege warfare.

So when you look at my web page you might be thinking, eww freakishly bright. Yes, it is a tad tacky. But playing around with the colours was fun, reminded me of the good old days back in elementary school when we all took turns to play on “Kid Pics”, my favourite computer program of all time. If you have never used it, it’s like paint on the computer, but a thousand times better.

I was surprised when creating my web page how some arrows (< >) and slashes (/), let the computer know what you want a web page to look like. I enjoyed the try it yourself sections on , that let you see instantaneously what my attempts looked like, and that I could revise them easily.  Having the ability to try different options, before adding it to my own HTML document was important for me because I find that I need a concrete example to let me see my possibilities before I can start thinking about what I want to do from there. It’s like what someone said in class, that sometimes you need to be given a box to think out of it, it’s that way with me and technology. I need to be sure that my computer will not spontaneously blow-up before I try new things. – Yes, that is a fear, since I am bad with remembering to back-up documents.


  1. I would totally play that video game, and I'm not even that much of a video game fan!

  2. The Port Dover Harbour Museum did an awesome graphic novel type exhibit about prohibition and boot-legging on the Great Lakes a couple years ago. I could probably get you the contact info if you're interested.
