So my original plan, which I am currently debating if I am going to attempt or not, was to make an animated short about what historians do. However, the historian would have been a NINJA! Obviously, historians are pretty balling in all, but a ninja historian is as cool as it gets.
My ninja historian has many arch-foes, which would be the living embodiment of what historians face in real life. So far the one villain I have fully developed is (well I am still working on the name) a gigantic ten foot octopus that plagiarizes. Currently, my vision is of the octopus causing mayhem in the library. The octopus is using all of its eight tentacles to spread throughout the library and take the knowledge out of the books. Imagine books and shelf’s crashing to the ground as the octopus absorbs all the knowledge in them and does not even reference. To battle the plagiarizing octopus, the ninja historian will use shuriken (throwing stars) that are shaped as a FN, for foot note. When the ninja historian throws his FN shaped stars at the octopus they will cut off his tentacles ending his plagiarism. Further, the FN will clamp onto the severed tentacle, and when all eight have been cutoff the octopus will begin to shrink into a first year student who was overwhelmed because he did not start his essay early enough. When the first year student is all sad and nervous that he got caught the ninja historian will throw him a Rampolla writing guide, and then magically disappear (because he is a ninja and they are all stealth and all) until the next history crisis. However, after examining the website my Proff emailed me I am a bit nervous.

My back-up idea that I just started to think about, so it’s not really developed enough is to make an interactive maze. I don’t know if you have been to Ontario Place. But my favorite thing there as a child was the Maze. I knew where everyone of the polls was to swipe your card at. And since I was always trying to improve my time, and since I am really short, I used to run under the boards instead of running among them. I was obsessed with going to the Maze from ages 5-12. I would continuously go through the maze, my parents must have loved this because they got to just sit there while I tired myself out.
My idea is to build a maze that has interactive stops where you have to complete an action to be able to get your card swiped. As a warning my maze might take-up the whole class room.
On a sad note, as I was trying to find a picture of Mega Maze I discovered they have replaced it :(.
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